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Our Programs

Fun and Creativity

Art Program

At Angels Playhouse, we encourage creativity and self-expression through our art program. Our activities include painting, drawing, and sculpting. We believe that art is an essential component of a child's development as it helps them express themselves and develop their fine motor skills.

Music Program

Our music program is designed to introduce children to the world of music. We teach them basic music theory and provide them with opportunities to explore different instruments. Our music program helps children develop their cognitive and social skills and promotes a love for music.

Movement Program

Our movement program includes a variety of physical activities such as yoga, dance, and sports. We believe that physical activity is essential for a child's development and well-being. Our movement program helps children develop their gross motor skills, coordination, and balance.

Language Program

At Angels Playhouse, we offer a language program that introduces children to different languages and cultures. We believe that language learning is essential for a child's cognitive development and helps them develop an appreciation for diversity. Our language program includes activities such as storytelling, role-playing, and language games.

Mathematics Program

Our mathematics program is designed to make learning math fun and engaging for children. We teach children basic math concepts through games, puzzles, and other activities. Our mathematics program helps children develop problem-solving skills and promotes a love for math.

Outdoor Play Program

At Angels Playhouse, we believe in the importance of outdoor play. Our outdoor play program includes activities such as gardening, exploring nature, and playing outdoor games. Outdoor play is essential for a child's physical and emotional development and helps them develop their social skills.

© 2023 by Angels Playhouse Education Inc.

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